
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snowed in...again.

Here we are again. Snowed in with nothing to do. I wish I lived closer to some of my friends so that I could walk to their houses to visit. I got a call yesterday that they were going to hold "church" at my pastor's house and have a pot luck after. I'm sure once I get off my hill the roads would be traversable, but ours still is not. So, here I am stuck again cleaning the house only to have the kids mess it up and then have to clean it up again. C'mon! Just once can't I be snowed in at someone else's house or snowed in alone?

Sunday, January 10, 2010


In just a matter of hours it will be January 11, 2010 and the first year anniversary of the day my dad had his heart attack. Just six short weeks after suffering from his stroke and only 2 days after being released from the hospital. It was near 4am on Sunday morning when my mother called and told me to pray. I could hear in the sound of her voice that things were not good. I began praying. I heard God's voice ask me, "do you love me?". "yes, Lord" I answered. "Will you still love me, even if your father dies?" God asked. I paused, not wanting to even think it possible. I made up my mind right then, "Yes, God. I will love you even if my father dies." While I'll admit that my faith has been shaken this past year and that I've not always been on speaking terms with God, the one thing I know is that without God, his grace and mercy, there is no way I'd be where I am today. I trust that God is in control and that his plan is better than my own. One verse that I have clung to as a promise is this: Jeremiah 33:9 "They will tremble with awe because of all the good and all the peace I will bring about for them."